There are lots of ways to market a business on the internet. There are dozens of options available for getting your name out there. Search engine listings, search engine ads, banners ads, business directories, social media platforms, social media ads, blogs, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. And there are different approaches a business can take towards these various platforms. Targeted, or all out? Slow and steady, or a blitz? Obey the rules, bend the rules, or break the rules? Paid or free?


Digital Footprint Marketing operates strictly on a White Hat Only basis. We believe that businesses can see a real significant increase in traffic and business purely through legitimate SEO best practices. Companies that try to get around search engine policies have experienced such severe repercussions that the risks of black hat SEO greatly overshadow the potential rewards.

DFP Marketing is a strong proponent of organic SEO. We believe that paid ad campaigns can deliver some value to some clients, but that a campaign centered around strong organic SEO will always outperform a campaign that neglects it. We have seen much better results long-term for our clients that practice organic SEO and have seen these results translate for the life of your business.